Arduino Cloud unterstützt jetzt Collaborative Coding: neue Möglichkeiten...


Arduino Cloud now supports Collaborative Coding: work together with others on a project

Diese neue Cloud-Editor-Funktion ermöglicht Studenten, Ingenieuren und Entwicklern: Sie können jetzt in der Arduino Cloud zusammenarbeiten

In einem neuen Artikel über Arduino (vgl. den Link unten) wird Folgendes veröffentlicht:

In der hektischen Welt von heute ist es für die Bewältigung komplexer IoT-Projekte von entscheidender Bedeutung, Studenten oder Ingenieure zur Zusammenarbeit zu bewegen. Herkömmliche Methoden zur Codefreigabe und -bearbeitung, wie die Verwendung von Offline-IDEs oder der manuelle Austausch von Dateien, verlangsamen Projekte oft und führen zu Fehlern. Dies kann mühsam sein, viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen und oft das gemeinsame Lernen von Schülern oder Entwicklern behindern. Um diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen, führt Arduino Cloud Collaborative Coding ein – eine neue Funktion im Cloud Editor, der Online-Alternative zur herkömmlichen Arduino IDE, die kollaboratives Codieren in Echtzeit ermöglicht.

Was ist also kollaboratives Codieren?

In der Arduino Cloud ermöglicht Collaborative Coding mehreren Benutzern die gleichzeitige Arbeit am selben Code. Beispielsweise können Fachleute für industrielle Automatisierung die Projekteffizienz verbessern, Fehler reduzieren und Entwicklungszyklen beschleunigen, während sie gleichzeitig die Zusammenarbeit optimieren und die Gesamteffizienz von Gruppenprojekten steigern. Aber nicht nur Unternehmen, auch Lehrer können enger mit ihren Schülern zusammenarbeiten, indem sie Code teilen und überprüfen oder Möglichkeiten finden, ihnen beizubringen, wie der Code funktioniert.

Vorteile von Code-Kooperationen:

Es rationalisiert den Codierungsprozess.
Es fördert Innovation durch Teamarbeit.
Es stellt sicher, dass Projekte auf Kurs sind und erhöht die Kontinuität.

This new Cloud Editor feature allows students, engineers, and develop: You can now work in collaboration in Arduino Cloud

in a new article on Arduino it is published:

In today’s busy world, getting students or engineers to work together is key to tackling complex IoT projects. Traditional code sharing and editing methods, like using offline IDEs or swapping files manually, often slow down projects and lead to mistakes. This can be a hassle and take up a lot of time, often getting in the way of students or developers learning together. To address these challenges, Arduino Cloud introduces Collaborative Coding — a new feature available in the Cloud Editor, the online alternative to the traditional Arduino IDE, that enables real-time, collaborative coding.
So, what is Collaborative Coding?

In Arduino Cloud, Collaborative Coding allows multiple users to work on the same code at the same time. For example, industrial automation professionals can enhance project efficiency, reduce errors, and accelerate development cycles while streamlining the collaborative experience and enhancing the overall efficiency of group projects. But not only enterprises, also teachers can work closer with their students by sharing and reviewing code, or finding ways to teach how the code works.

Advantages of code collaborations:

It streamlines the coding process.
It foster innovation through teamwork.
It ensures projects are on track and boosts continuity.

Is Collaborative Coding available for users with a Shared Space?

Yes, Collaborative Coding can only be accessed if you have a Shared Space created for your organization or school.

A Shared Space in Arduino Cloud is a collaborative environment designed for organizations or educational institutions. It allows team members or students to work together on projects while sharing many resources such as dashboards, things, sketches,…. There is no limit to the number of members who can join a Shared Space.

If you are on a paid Arduino Cloud plan and you have created a Shared Space, Collaborative Coding will already be enabled for you. Just open a sketch file from your organization space and start editing.

If you haven’t created a Shared Space for your organization yet, you can purchase an Arduino Cloud School or Business plan on this page. How does Collaborative Coding work?

Let’s say that you’re in the middle of editing a sketch, when another user tries to access it. They will be notified right away that the sketch is being edited by someone else. How? With a message displayed in the lower hand corner of Arduino Cloud Editor (see screenshot below). Once you complete your changes or you have verified and uploaded the sketch, the other user will be able to edit the code

4 ways to make the best out of Collaborative Coding

1. Boost IoT team project development

Facilitate collaboration among team members located in different parts of the world, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Conduct code reviews in real time, improving code quality and knowledge sharing.

2. Engage in pair programming

Pair programming is the practice of pairing up students to work on programming activities. This is the most common approach used by teachers to foster collaboration in the classroom.

Collaborative coding helps students to be more actively involved in projects, making the learning process interactive and engaging. They can leverage each other’s knowledge and skills, resulting in more effective problem-solving and innovation. The development cycle accelerates as well, allowing for quicker iterations and refinements.

3. Deliver interactive workshops and training

Use the collaborative editor for training new hires [/b]and students who are learning to code allowing them to follow along and participate in real-time. Conduct hands-on workshops where participants can actively engage with the code, enhancing their learning experience.

4. Enhance client collaborations

Collaborate with clients on specific projects, enabling them to see progress and provide feedback in real-time. Quickly prototype and demonstrate solutions to clients, incorporating their feedback instantly.

Collaborative Coding in action

Explore how our new Collaborative Coding feature can revolutionize your workflow. Access short clips on our documentation site, customized for your specific needs:

For makers and hobbyists: Watch the clip.
For schools, teachers, and students: Watch the clip.
For businesses and teams: Watch the clip.

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