Circuitpython: vielleicht der einfachste Weg, Mikrocontroller zu programmieren....


Circuitpython: Der Vielleicht einfachste Weg, Mikrocontroller zu programmieren.

CircuitPython: Der einfachste Weg, Mikrocontroller zu programmieren: CircuitPython ist eine Programmiersprache, die das Experimentieren und Erlernen des Programmierens auf kostengünstigen Mikrocontroller-Boards vereinfacht.

einige Erklärungen – hier entnommen:

Der Code ist auch gut auf andere Mikrocontroller portierbar. Der Nachteil eines interpretierten Codes ist die Geschwindigkeit. Die Konvertierung von Code in Maschinencode erfolgt im Handumdrehen und ist daher zeitaufwändig.
CircuitPython ist eine einsteigerfreundliche Open-Source-Version von Python für kleine, kostengünstige Computer, sogenannte Mikrocontroller. Mikrocontroller sind das Gehirn vieler elektronischer Geräte, einschließlich einer Vielzahl von Entwicklungsplatinen, die zum Bau von Hobbyprojekten und Prototypen verwendet werden. CircuitPython in der Elektronik ist eine der besten Möglichkeiten, das Programmieren zu lernen, da es Code mit der Realität verbindet. Installieren Sie CircuitPython einfach per Drag & Drop auf einer unterstützten USB-Karte und bearbeiten Sie dann eine auf dem CIRCUITPY-Laufwerk. Der Code wird automatisch neu geladen. Außer einem Texteditor sind keine Softwareinstallationen erforderlich (wir empfehlen Mu für Anfänger).

Ab CircuitPython 7.0.0 können einige Boards möglicherweise nur über Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) verbunden werden. Diese Karten ermöglichen seriellen und Dateizugriff über BLE anstelle von USB unter Verwendung offener Protokolle. (Einige Boards verwenden möglicherweise sowohl USB als auch BLE.) Der BLE-Zugriff kann über eine Vielzahl von Apps erfolgen, einschließlich

circuitpython: the easiest way to program microcontrollers: CircuitPython is a programming language designed to simplify experimenting and learning to code on low-cost microcontroller boards.

some explanations - taken from here:

The code is also highly portable to other microcontrollers. The disadvantage to an interpreted code is speed. Converting code to machine code happens on the fly so it takes time.
CircuitPython is a beginner friendly, open source version of Python for tiny, inexpensive computers called microcontrollers. Microcontrollers are the brains of many electronics including a wide variety of development boards used to build hobby projects and prototypes. CircuitPython in electronics is one of the best ways to learn to code because it connects code to reality. Simply install CircuitPython on a supported USB board usually via drag and drop and then edit a file on the CIRCUITPY drive. The code will automatically reload. No software installs are needed besides a text editor (we recommend Mu for beginners.)

Starting with CircuitPython 7.0.0, some boards may only be connectable over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Those boards provide serial and file access over BLE instead of USB using open protocols. (Some boards may use both USB and BLE.) BLE access can be done from a variety of apps including

CircuitPython features unified Python core APIs and a growing list of 300+ device libraries and drivers that work with it. These libraries also work on single board computers with regular Python via the Adafruit Blinka Library.
CircuitPython is based on MicroPython. See below for differences. Most, but not all, CircuitPython development is sponsored by Adafruit and is available on their educational development boards. Please support both MicroPython and Adafruit.

Differences from MicroPython
CircuitPython: Supports native USB on most boards and BLE otherwise, allowing file editing without special tools.
Floats (aka decimals) are enabled for all builds.
Error messages are translated into 10+ languages.

Concurrency within Python is not well supported. Interrupts and threading are disabled. async/await keywords are available on some boards for cooperative multitasking. Some concurrency is achieved with native modules for tasks that require it such as audio file playback.

CircuitPython program development is often a fraction of the time needed for an Arduino program.

Behavior:The order that files are run and the state that is shared between them. CircuitPython’s goal is to clarify the role of each file and make each file independent from each other. runs only once on start up before workflows are initialized. This lays the ground work for configuring USB at startup rather than it being fixed. Since serial is not available, output is written to boot_out.txt.

more infos & backgrounds

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MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments. The MicroPython pyboard is a compact electronic circuit board that runs MicroPython on the bare metal, giving you a low-level Python operating system that can be used to control all kinds of electronic projects. MicroPython is packed full of advanced features such as an interactive prompt, arbitrary precision integers, closures, list comprehension, generators, exception handling and more. Yet it is compact enough to fit and run within just 256k of code space and 16k of RAM. MicroPython aims to be as compatible with normal Python as possible to allow you to transfer code with ease from the desktop to a microcontroller or embedded system.



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