...das Ubuntu-Projekt sucht Leute für den Community Council :: Nominierungsphase läuft bis 20 Sept.


...das Ubuntu-Projekt sucht Leute für den Community Council

Ubuntu - mittlerweile schon zwei Dekaden alt ist permanent am Wachsen - es kommen neue Teilprojekte und Vorhaben dazu. Gleichzeitig kommen aber auch immer mehr Ressourcen und Plattformen zum Austausch. Dieser Umstand - das permanente Wachstum und die immer neuen Gebiete in die Ubuntu hineinkommt bringen auch neue Aufgaben und Herausforderungen mit sich.

.... noch knapp drei Wochen dauert die Phase der Nominierung für den "'''Ubuntu Community Council'''"

weitere Infos, Daten und Quellen.


We’re looking for motivated people that want to join the Ubuntu Community Council!
The Community Council is the highest governance body of the Ubuntu project. They handle Code of Conduct violations, mediate conflict, and support the community.

For more concrete examples of what the Ubuntu Community Council works on, take a look at “A year in the Ubuntu community council”.

Who can apply
'''Any Ubuntu Member can apply'''.

'''Who we are looking for'''

The Ubuntu project turned 20 this year, but is still in constant flux. The advent of new communication platforms, new projects under our umbrella, and the ever-growing popularity of the project requires our community to evolve. We need to make sure Ubuntu is set to tackle the challenges of the next 20 years. It needs a strong and active community council to guide the project forwards.

You show humanity, gentleness and kindness in your communication.
You create a welcoming atmosphere.
You want to invest time in the next two years to handle CoC violations, mediate conflict and help improve the Ubuntu community.
You are willing to regularly meet with the other council members

ALSO jeder (!!!!) kann sich bewerben .


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