RIOT summit 05-07 Sept 24: University of Vienna, Austria


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heute - der RIOT summit 05-07 Sept 24: University of Vienna, Austria


Type Community Event,Hackathon

Main language:English

9th get-together of the friendly Operating System for the Internet of Things

Hashtag #RiotSummit
Standard participation fee 0 €
Specialities: The main event is September 5/6th. The third day is a hackathon day, on which those staying work together on ideas developed during Summit discussions
# of participants last time 100
Call for Participation The deadline for this CfP passed on 01.08.2024.


About RIOT:
RIOT is the friendly operating system for the Internet of Things. If you cannot run Linux on your device due to constrained hardware, use RIOT! RIOT explicitly implements the idea of an open Internet. It supports all relevant standards and is distributed under open source license. You find more details on .

The RIOT community consists of companies, academias, and hobbyist, distributed all around the world. RIOT aims to implement all relevant open standards supporting an Internet of Things that is connected, secure, durable & privacy-friendly.

About the RIOT Summit: Over the last years, RIOT has emerged as one of the agile and state of the art operating system for the IoT. The previous Summits were a big success. It’s time to meet again!

The RIOT Summit aims for bringing together RIOTers, beginners and experts, as well as people interested in the IoT in general and decision makers who plan to deploy RIOT in the future. The event combines plenary talks, hands-on tutorials, and break-out sessions. The Summit will not only inform about latest developments but will also help to gather feedback from the community to shape the RIOT future.


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