Verwendet für alte Monitorfelder?


New member
One of my monitors recently just bit the bullet. It was one of the old 1440p overclockable Korean monitors that was kept going by everyone about a year ago. A component on the motherboard ran out and I could not get a replacement board. So I'm wondering if there's anything for which you can use old panels if you do not have a feature board. Not overly optimistic, but I'm kind of a tech hoarder and thought it would be worth asking.
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If your very familiar with displays, electronic and how to control them you could maybe build your own board for controling the display. Because I'm not quite sure if you can use any kind of driver board with the right connector (there are several typs of but they are written down in a standard).

I talking about something like this .

But pay attention this one belongs to a N133HSE-EA panel. If you could figure out which panel you've got your maybe lucky enough to find the right display controller. Otherwise try to find the original board maybe by an EAN oder something else. I was able to repair my LG W24442PA monitor a couple of years ago.


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