WordPress 6.6 kurz vor dem Release : worüber sich die Community am allermeisten freut: Stimmen von Twitter (x) - let's hear what you are most excited?


The WordPress 6.6 release is on track for tomorrow. Before the big day, let's hear what you are most excited about in this upcoming release.

see some comments:

Really looking forward to WordPress 6.6 tomorrow! Especially interested in feature, the pattern overrides for more design flexibility & the enhancements to the block library

Quick page previews and plugin update rollbacks both sound promising. Excited to try it out.

Woah looks like wordpress is just getting started, loved this bento design

tab to indent list items is probably my favourite. It's just natural to hit tab when writing up lists in any editor.

The new block binding stuff looks great. Styled sections is something I'm interested to see. Overall a great release ahead. Thanks to everyone who contributed to #WordPress 6.6

Amazing, looking forward to the release.

Rollbacks is a win

more insights - more data

WordPress 6.6 is changing the game for Custom Fields
WordPress is bringing Custom Fields to blocks. The Block Bindings API is going to change the way we code for postmeta, and WordPress 6.6 is our first glimpse.


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