WordPress: neu wp-jobmanager:Version:2.4.0 :: viele Optionen im defacto-Jobmanager-Plugin


Version2.4.0 Zuletzt aktualisiert vor 6 Tagen Aktive Installationen100.000+ WordPress-Version6.4 oder höher Getestet bis6.6.1 PHP-Version7.4 oder höher

de-facto-standard-plugin for adding job-board like functionality

WP Job Manager is a lightweight job listing plugin for adding job-board like functionality
the famos WP Job Manager: lightweight job listing - it has got 100k installations

WP Job Manager is a lightweight job listing plugin for adding job-board like functionality to your WordPress site. Being shortcode based, it can work with any theme (given a bit of CSS styling) and is really simple to setup.

FEATURESAdd, manage, and categorize job listings using the familiar WordPress UI.
Searchable & filterable ajax powered job listings added to your pages via shortcodes.
Frontend forms for guests and registered users to submit & manage job listings.
Allow job listers to preview their listing before it goes live. The preview matches the appearance of a live job listing.
Each listing can be tied to an email or website address so that job seekers can apply to the jobs.
Searches also display RSS links to allow job seekers to be alerted to new jobs matching their search.
Allow logged in employers to view, edit, mark filled, or delete their active job listings.
Developer friendly code — Custom Post Types, endpoints & template files.



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documentation: advanced customization

Customization Snippets
Note: All code examples on this site are provided for developer reference/guidance only and we cannot guarantee that they will always work as expected. Our support policy does not include assistance with modifying or debugging code from any code examples, and they may be changed or removed if we find they no longer work due to changes in our plugins. This page consists of all the customization snippets we have so far. We may occasionally add new ones and we encourage everyone to also send their own snippets to us! If you add a customization that you think will benefit others, get in touch with us via our Support form. The more snippets we put on this page, the more it will be useful for everyone!

get your copy today - head over to
see great coding examplex - eg on stackexchange:

WP Job Manager plugin - Listing only the twelve job categories on frontpage order by jobs they have

a developer:
i am using wp job manager plugin and i am trying to list on the frontpage only the twelve job categories according to the jobs they having. The job categories having more jobs go first. I managed to list the job categories with the above code but the problem is that the sorting and the number of categories not working as i expected. Any suggestions?
see the full discussion and the hack here':-

WPJM Company Profile Page
By Gabriel Maldonado
meta: Active installations:700+ Tags:job boardjob listingjob listsjob managementjob manager
Adds a company profile page to WP Job Manager. In this page you’ll be able to see listed all the jobs by the same company, as well as other data like the company description.
An active install of WP Job Manager in your site is required for this plugin to work.
For setting up the company pages, you can find a step by step guide here:
GitHub Repository:

WPJM Extra Fields
By Gabriel Maldonado
meta: Active installations:3,000+ Tags:job boardjob listingjob listsjob managementjob manager
Adds Salary and Important Information extra fields to WP Job Manager plugin. Both in the front-end for Job Submissions as well as in the back end for Job Listing management.
An active install of WP Job Manager in your site is required for this plugin to work, you can download it here:
No further setup is required, just install and activate the plugin under Plugins > Add New to see the new extra fields.

GitHub Repository:
contributor: tilcode.blog

Custom Field For WP Job Manager
By Gravity Master
meta: Tag:wp-job-manager

Description: Custom Field For WP Job Manager allows you to quickly and easily add custom fields to the admin and frontend of WP Job Manager pages. All you need do is add the field name you want in WP Job Manager via our initiative admin page.

Pro Version:

Ex. if you need to add salary field WP Job Manger, addition job field you can add in Custom field WP Job Manager.
WP job manager add new fields plugin giving you easy way to setup field in backend side as well frontend both site you can use plugin to config in your website. it also work as wp job manager field editor.
WP Job Manager field editor can be add on field to action field name and placeholder in Custom Field For WP Job Manager.
wp job manager add new fields Normally by code you can add custom but by Extra Field WP Job Manager using mostly for this plugin.
You can be Editing Job Submission Fields in Wp job manager for WP Job Manager Field Editor

✅ One Click installation
✅ Text, Select, Multi Select, Date, File, Textarea, WPEditor Fields Type support in WP Job Manager
✅ Job Submission Fields Support in add field
✅ Job Admin Fields in edit and update field
✅ Option with want to keep required or not
✅ Easy To use
✅ Auto Show Field on Single job page

✅ Radio, Checkbox Also Avaible
✅ Can be Make requied field

Go to admin in Custom Field For WP Job Manager > Add New Field there just you need to add field name and text field will be show automatically in WP Job Manager field in fronted and backend both side Adding Custom Field on Job List.


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