sowas gibt es auch..., und andere lüstige Bilder

Halloween Theme


Down the river drifts an axe
From the town of Byron.
Let it float by itself-
Fucking piece of iron!!!

My advice to future bride:
Don"t get married, silly!
Morning comes - your boobs aside,
Snatch is rumpled illy...

Everything is going down - not enough prosperity,
There are things to care about - fucking has priority.

Nick is crossing village slowly - outside it"s cold and snowy.
But his dick is up and running just in case if something"s coming

Girls had fight at country hut
Over who"s the hairest cunt.
Well, more hair of the most
Had the beaver of the host.

Have you seen four dicks together
Dancing on a mountain peak?
And one dick had fuсked another
But with yet another dick
auf dem schield ist folgendes geschrieben:
heute versuchte ich ein bissl brot den schwarzen sammlern zu stehlen



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