Zitate/Weisheiten/Intelligente-Sprüche Sammelthread

???: kennst du ein programm womit man grundrisse und 3d objekte erstellen kann?

horas: adobe indesign cs3. kostet um die 1000 €

???: geht's dir noch gut? das einzige was ich legal erwerbe sind lebensmittel
freund schrieb:
Der \ /@mp!r ‎(19:41):
wie wahrscheinlich isses beim torrent saugen erwischt zu werden

millhouse ‎(19:42):
kp ich sach ma so es saugen schätzungsweise 100.000 leute pro stunde was und davon werden ca. 100 festgestellt und dann läut Anzeige gegen unbekannt bis dein isp die daten rausrückt
*kein ghewäähr*

die geilsten zitate aus chats

Der \ /@mp!r ‎(19:43):
und wird deine ip die daten immer rausrücken?
das is irgendwie geil^^
Aus einem unbekanntem Grund habe ich mir hauptsächlich englische Sprüche und Zitate notiert.
Es folgt ein erster Auszug:

In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?

They said win95 or better, so I put it on Linux.

Passwords are like underwear: don't share them, hide them under your keyboard, or hang them from your monitor. Above all, change them frequently.

Goodbye Douglas Adams, and Thanx for all the Fish!

The last thing you want to do in your life is the last thing you do.

66.% percent of all statistics are meaningless.

Linux is like a wigwam: no Windows, no Gates and Apache Inside

Ssshhhhh. I see dumb people.

Good luck is the result of good planning.

If you eat a live toad in the morning, nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day.

If life gives you lemons, put the juice into squirtguns and shoot people in the eyes.

"XMMS does the right thing."
- Alan Cox

If brute force doesn't work, you're not using enough.

"In the end, people should have their own opinions."
- Linus Torvalds

If at first you don't succeed, #define success;

cleveness and ignorance seldom go along together

"If at first you don't succeed, see what the loser gets."
-Woody Allen

The box said "for Windows 98 or higher", but it wouldn't work on my Amiga.

"It's not a bug - it's just a place holder for code that works!"
- Andrew Kirmse, creator of Meridian59

Osama bin Laden keeps releasing videos after he's supposedly died. Just like 2Pac.

love is always like that......it won't c any bugs

Roses are red. Violets are blue. All my base are belong to you!

It's physically impossible but bugs suck and blow at the same time

nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes longer...

Light travels faster than sound. That's why people may appear smart, until you hear them speak.

Microsoft Windows kills kittens. You don't want your OS to kill kittens... do you Timmy?
- GrayCalx (597428) on Slashdot
People are strange when youre a stranger
Faces look ugly when youre alone
Women seem wicked when youre unwanted
Streets are uneven when youre down
When youre strange
Faces come out of the rain
When youre strange
No one remembers your name

The Doors - People are Strange


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